Airfield Modernization Program
In 2006, Easton Airport begun an Environmental Assessment to plan for future safety improvements, modernization, and determine how the airport would conform to new FAA design standards. After an exhaustive 12-year assessment, Easton Airport’s plan was approved in 2018. The Airfield Modernization Program design process and work on enabling projects moved forward soon after.
Easton Airport is now moving into the construction phase of the program. We are excited to share details with the public throughout this process as the projects move forward. Keep scrolling for program updates, headlines, history, and FAQs.
Program UpdateS & Public PResentations
During most Easton Airport Advisory Board meetings, Easton Airport Manager Micah Risher provides the public a detailed update on the Airfield Modernization Program. These updates discuss the program’s goals, construction progress, scheduling process, operational impacts, funding, public awareness campaign, and environmental benefits.
We make every attempt to record and preserve these updates and other public presentations. We also answer frequently asked questions, found below.
The best way to stay informed is to attend the Easton Airport Advisory Board meetings. Meeting info and dates are found by clicking here.
In the NEws - Program Headlines and Airport Highlights
Program History & Enabling Projects
Runway Safety Area
In the early 2000s, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) updated their design standards for all the airports in the nation. The primary goals were to increase safety, decrease delays, comply with federal environmental standards and encourage innovative technologies that promote safety, capacity, and efficiency.
The largest impact to Easton Airport was the need to increase the size of the Runway Safety Area (RSA) to ensure 1,000 ft. existed at both ends of the primary runway. To accomplish this, the threshold of Runway 22 was displaced and the operational use of Runway 4 was restricted to only 4,775 ft.
Environmental Assessment
In 2006, Easton Airport started conducting an Environmental Assessment (EA) to plan for future safety improvements and to determine how the airport would conform to new FAA design standards. After an exhaustive 12 year assessment, Easton Airport’s plan was approved in 2018. The “Final EA” can be found in it’s entirety by clicking here.
While we are pleased to make this document available for the public to download and review, we understand that it contains highly technical data that is not always easy to understand. Please direct any questions to Easton Airport Manager Micah Risher at .
Obstruction Removal
Easton Airport’s Airfield Modernization Program will take place in phases and is expected to be complete by 2030. A number of enabling projects were completed before the new runway could be constructed. The Airport’s Obstruction Removal Program was the most visible to the surrounding community.
Easton Airport’s Runway Improvement Project is dynamic, complex, and will take the better part of 10 years to complete. It’s important that the community has access to facts and accurate data when they have questions or concerns about the airport’s growth. These questions are answered by Easton Airport Manager Micah Risher and reflect the most accurate data regarding the future of Easton Airport. If you have a question or comment, please email .
Click here to read questions answered during the Obstruction Removal Program phase.
In addition to the standard emails and Notice to Air Missions (NOTAMS) notifications, the Airport is planning to implement text notifications before the beginning of the project. Members of the airport community, and beyond, will be able to enroll their cellphone numbers and receive real time updates throughout the project. We will also post info to our website and public spaces.
The program is primarily funded (approximately 90%) by Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grants issued by the Federal Aviation Administration through the Airport & Airway Trust Fund (AATF). The fund generates revenue by collecting taxes and fees from users of the system (tax on airlines tickets and fuel taxes) which helps finance investments in the National Airspace System.
Essentially, users of the system pay for the improvements, not federal tax dollars!
Easton Airport is an enterprise of Talbot County Government. That means that although the airport is owned and operated by Talbot County, it operates like a business and has been financially self-sustaining for over 30 years! Easton Airport generates enough revenue to cover annual operating expenses and our local share (approximately 5%) of the cost of the Airfield Modernization Program. Airport financials are reported in Talbot County’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
Easton Airport does not receive funding from Talbot County or Town of Easton taxes!
Less than 5% of the program is funded by Maryland Department of Transportation, Maryland Aviation Administration’s Office of Regional Aviation Assistance’s grant program which supports critical airport infrastructure across the state.
In addition to not being a tax burden on the community, Easton Airport activity generates over $50 million dollars in business revenue annually and creates approximately 500 jobs!
The Talbot County Business Center sits on property southwest of Runway 4/22. That area will become part of the Runway Protection Zone (RPZ). It is a trapezoidal area “off the end of the runway end that serves to enhance the protection of people and property on the ground” in the event an aircraft lands or crashes beyond the runway end. Runway Protection Zones underlie a portion of the approach closest to the airport.
Once the building is demolished and the project is complete, that property will become mostly “green space”, with some airfield lighting enclosed by security fencing.
The construction project will take place on existing airport owned property. The threshold of Runway 4/22 will shift 1,900 southwest of current position and sit inside of where the current airfield fence line is located.
Full closures to Runway 4/22 will vary throughout the project. We will work with the contractors to develop a schedule that fits their needs while limiting the operational impact for our customers to the extent possible.
The secondary Runway 15/33 will be operational most of the time. There will be a short period (in 2025 or 2026) when we will need to close both runways to complete the mid-field work, but everyone will receive plenty of notice before that happens.
We are experiencing historic fuel sales, up approximately 50% since 2020. We certainly expect there will be some impact to the fuel sales, but don’t anticipate any major changes. We anticipate fuel sales will still track higher than pre-pandemic norms, even with periods of runway closures.
AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM) is providing Professional Engineering and Construction Phase Services, including Project Management.
Atlantic Contracting & Material Co, Inc. is the prime construction contractor.
No. The Airfield Modernization Program is a multiyear project focused on improving safety on the airfield at Easton Airport. Talbot County is designing a plan to address the condition of Airport Road, but that is not a part of this project.
Our education campaign has already begun. Our website will serve as the primary source for information pertaining to the project. We plan to issue press releases, use social media, and work with local media outlets to keep the community informed.
Easton Airport does not meet the FAA design criteria for a high-speed turnoff.
There will be minimal impact to the Instrument Landing System (ILS) during construction. During periods of runway closure, it will be unavailable, but once the runway is returned to service, the ILS will be available as well. A new ILS system with natural gas fed generator backup power will be installed during the project.
No. Easton Airport has a 100,000 lb. load bearing capacity and that will not change.
No portion of the construction project will affect the operation of Trooper 6, or any other helicopters that need to operate. We may have to move operations onto ramp areas to accommodate, but we have several options.
Runway 15/33 will certainly see more air traffic during the construction project. The majority of the time, air traffic will operate to the north of the airport, turning onto final east of the airport between Chapel road or Matthewstown road.
The Air Traffic Control tower will assign pattern instructions based on real time air traffic conditions. During busy periods, air traffic control may deviate from using preferred patterns to ensure the highest level of flight safety.