Airport Community Programs


Easton Airport is one of the busiest general aviation airports in the State of Maryland. The airport has been financially self-sufficient since 1993 and is poised for smart, well-balanced growth. Our future depends on a strong bond between our aviation community and local residents, which is why we champion our good neighbor programs and invite folks to come experience the airport as much as possible.

The Easton Airport community also aims to foster and inspire the next generation of aviators, air traffic controllers, and aircraft technicians through community engagement, events, and programming. Demand for well-trained personnel are on the rise nationwide and we can use our unique resources to inspire our region’s youth.


The purpose of the Aviation Career Education (ACE) Program is to provide students the opportunity to explore careers in the aerospace industry. The program introduces students to a variety of aviation related career paths and also provides resources and support to help them pursue a career in the aerospace industry. The program will promote interest in aviation careers by teaching safe operating principles, using leading edge technology and committing to the future of aviation in Talbot County.

News & Events

Easton Airport hosts numerous events, training sessions, workshops, and community gatherings throughout the year. Follow us on Facebook @EastonAirport to stay up-to-date on all the things happening at the community airfield. Click below to catch up on the latest news and updates from the Easton Airport.


  • Be aware of noise-sensitive areas, especially residential communities surrounding the airport.
  • Avoid flying low, especially at high power settings, over these areas.
  • Avoid high rpm settings in the pattern.
  • On takeoff, reduce to climb power as soon as it is safe and practical to do so.
  • Use low power approaches when possible, and always avoid the low, dragged-in approach.

For more information, please download the following noise abatement materials and share it with the ESN community.

Business Development

Easton Airport is designated as one of only 84 national level public use general aviation airports by the FAA. The airport supports the national and state system by providing communities with access to national and international markets.

Easton Airport is an attractive alternative to busy commercial airports and has all the services that business and recreational travelers desire. Consider bringing your business to Easton Airport!

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