Easton Airport Update to the Talbot County Council – 4/25/2023

On Tuesday, April 25, 2023, Easton Airport Manager Micah Risher presented an Easton Airport update to the Talbot County Council. The presentation contained an overview of the Airfield Modernization Program (history, benefits, information campaign, construction phases, funding, and timeline) and update on community engagement efforts.

The entire Talbot County Council meeting is available online for review. The section on Easton Airport is linked below and a copy of the PowerPoint presentation shown in the video is also available below to download and review.

Both links contain in-depth information regarding upcoming projects related to the Airfield Modernization Program. Even more information, diagrams, videos, and FAQs can be found at www.eastonairport.com/projects.

After the presentation to the County Council, the airport requested, and received unanimous approval, for the following items:

A. Request from Easton Airport to Apply for and Accept Grant funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Plan (AIP) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Airport Infrastructure Grant (BIL AIG) for the Airfield Modernization Program

B. Request from Easton Airport – Recommendation to Award Bid No. 23-04, PACKAGE 1: IMPROVE RUNWAY 4 RSA, EASTON/NEWNAM FIELD AIRPORT (ESN) – EASTON, TALBOT COUNTY, MARYLAND

C. Request from Easton Airport for Approval of Airport Consultant, AECOM’s Price Proposal Dated April 4, 2023 for Professional Engineering and Construction Phase Services for Bid No. 23-04 (Construction)

If you have any questions, please email Micah Risher at

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